Copernicus Sentinel-1 helps map extent of floods

On ESA web-site a new article was published about flood detection in Argentina.

We used ESVI in different variations to show the extent and evolution of a flood event, which took place on Feb 14, 2020 in Santiago Estero Province.

In rainy seasons we often have no access to optical images. Sentinel-1 SAR data is the perfect alternative to create map products from time-series data.

Many thanks again for the editorial support to Mali Cecere.

Have a look at the web-site of ESA where you find the article:

Copernicus Sentinel-1 helps map extent of floods

Wildfire detection in Australia with Sentinel-1 change detection based on ESVI

ESA published an article on their web-site concerning the detection of wildfires in Australia with Sentinel-1 data.
(Fire Information for Resource Management Systems) from Nasa with Sentinel-1 SAR data.

Fire spreading in Australia

Clouds and smoke influence the optical signal. Sentinel-1 SAR can measure the changes independently.
Many thanks for the editorial support to Mali Cecere.
Have a look at the web-site of ESA: Copernicus Sentinel-1 delivers change maps for wildfires

Flood in Santa Fé Province Argentina

Flood in Santa Fé Province Argentina

#Sentinel-1 #SAR data #ESVI #Crop insurance #Flood maps


Is it possible to detect hail damage with Sentinel-1 SAR data?

Is it possible to detect hail damage with Sentinel-1 SAR data?

Read the article

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