Wer wir sind
Wir sind ausgewiesene GIS Experten mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in Landwirtschaft und Fernerkundung und dabei besonders mit SAR Satellitendaten.
In den vergangenen Jahren haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit sarmap einen Vegetationsindex (ESVI) von Sentinel-1 SAR Daten entwickelt.
Der SAR Vegetationsindex wurde bislang für die Kulturarten Mais, Sonnenblumen, Zuckerrüben, Zuckerrohr, Weizen, Gerste, Roggen, Reis, Raps und Soja kalibriert. Die Arbeiten, teilweise mit Feldversuchen, wurden in Deutschland, Ungarn, USA, Kanada, Italien, Dänemark, Österreich, England, Argentinien, Kolumbien, Brasilien, Sambia, Simbabwe und Indien ausgeführt.
Unser Stammsitz ist in der Nähe von Zurich. Unser Partner residiert in Santa Fé Argentinien.
Externe Partner
Sarmap aus dem Tessin hat ein interdisziplinäres Team und Erfahrung in der Software Entwicklung und Datenprozessierung vorwiegend von SAR Daten. Wir konnten unseren landwirtschaftlichen Hintergrund einbringen und gemeinsam Kartenprodukte für landwirtschaftliche Anwendungen entwickeln.
Sarmap wurde 1998 und hat seinen Stammsitz in Caslano in der Nähe von Lugano. Ihre Software (MapScape) ist im Bereich SAR Daten weltweit die Nummer 1.
Sie waren bereits in mehr als 100 Projekten, überwiegend von der Europäischen Raumfahrtagentur (ESA), bei der Entwicklung von Algorithmen, Produkten und Serviceleistungen maßgeblich involviert.
(synthetic aperture radar)
A lot of professionals in the field of agriculture have understood, that remote sensing and GIS are the cutting edge for competitiveness. To close the gap they need knowledge, software, hardware and data. Once you started to set-up such scheme you rely on regular high quality data supply and this can only be granted by SAR.
What we can do
Map products derived from SAR data for precision farming applications, crop insurance schemes and large scale crop monitoring. Data will be processed on field or regional level as geo-TIFF within 48-72 hours after the satellites have passed by. If you are interested to process the data on your own, sarmap can provide software with integrated processing algorithm. With our interdisciplinary approach we understand your specific use cases and can develop a tailor made solution suitable to your needs.
Data Source
The source of data we worked in the past years is the Sentinel-1 satellite series, which is part of ESA`s Copernicus program. As at today Sentinel-1 A & B cover Europe every 6 days and the rest of the world every 12 days. The succeeding generation C & D is already funded and grant the availability of data at least up to 2030. The satellites have an active C-band transmitter with constant input energy and a ground resolution of 20×20 meters. The signal penetrates clouds, is independent from daylight and guarantees a regular supply of high quality remote sensing data. The sensor measures the structure and humidity of cropland, which can be transformed in an index that reflects fresh biomass.
What we can do
Sit together, understand your needs and find solutions for your business processes.
Sentinel-1 Data
For those who cannot wait for a sunny day. If you set-up an infrastructure that depends on the use of earth-observation data, you have already invested substantial sums. You and your customers rely on regular data delivery. This can only be granted with SAR data.
Map products
Our map product ESVI (enhanced SAR vegetation index) shows crop growth over the season. Where information concerning crop development is needed the ESVI map product closes the gap.
Precision farming
High investments for hardware where spent in the past decades to practise precision farming. But farmers were missing useful data for intelligent decision making. ESVI is the cheapest opportunity to monitor your crop throughout the year.
Market survey
Big market players want to know what is going on anywhere in the world. How much corn is growing this year in the mid-west. Did Australia have enough water? For a macro monitoring scheme SAR data it the best choice. You get time-series that can be analyzed statistically.
Crop insurance
We have more than 6 years experience in crop insurance and loss assessment. We know today, that remote sensing will not tell the total loss from an image. We can do zoning and guide the loss adjuster to the hot spot. We can detect, if the crop was damage before underwriting. We can help to prevent fraud.
Portfolio mapping/Risk analysis
Crop insurer who have low capabilities in GIS we can assist as well in portfolio mapping and risk analysis. We have a world-wide data collection of background data from open-sources to do so.