what’s CROPIX?
Cropix is a platform to introduce innovative map products from satellite data, that can be used in geo-information systems (GIS).
We are specialized in spaceborne radar data (SAR synthetic aperture radar), and use optical data as reference. Our main objective is cropland and here crop growth, crop damage and crop performance.
We developed the enhanced SAR vegetation index (ESVI), which indicates the temporal and spatial variability of field crops.
Radar sensors are active sensors. They send a microwave, which penetrates clouds. Hence map products from SAR sensors are available whenever the satellites pass-by. We mainly work with data of Sentinel-1 series. These satellites are part of ESA´s Copernicus program. The raw data is free of charge. The repetition rate is 6 days over Europe and 12 days all over the world. The ground resolution is 20×20 meters.
SAR map products are unique concerning the reliability. While optical data regularly fails due to clouds, radar monitors the growth of cropland. Due to the high data quality, statistics can be derived to generate more information concerning phenology or growth dynamic.
For precision farming there is a biomass index which represents fresh biomass in a relative scale from 0-100. It shows good and bad performing sites and supports farmers in decision making.
For crop insurance schemes it is granted, that the change caused by the hazard can be visualized. Such zone map will guide the loss adjuster to the relevant spots.
With large scale biomass monitoring, commodities can be evaluated. This can help to identify shortfall in food production and may help governments or NGO’s, who work in the field of disaster management and food security.
Since decades we are working in the field of precision farming, GIS, remote sensing and crop insurance. In the past years we calibrated radar data (SAR) for crop insurance and precision farming. We carried out field-trials to gain reference data as well from combines and optical satellites.
We are very passionate with our work because it is still fascinating. Remote sensing is the cheapest, quickest and most independent data source you can get and this data is definitely needed for digital farming.
Our goal is to supply practitioners in the field of agriculture with useful data. Precision farming waited so long for data to drive the machine. Crop insurance still produces unrepeatable results in loss assessment and people are still starving after natural hazards which could be eased, if an early warning system would be implemented.

Since many years we enjoy to work with sarmap, who is well known as the leading company in SAR technology. They develop their own software sarscape and process earth observation data for multiple purpose all around the world.
The ESVI (enhanced SAR vegetation index) is the first known vegetation index for cropland from spaceborne SAR data. It can be seen as a proxy for fresh biomass. We have validated it for different crop-types in different regions and will continue to calibrate it for more crops.
For those who set up a scheme which depends on remote sensing data the crucial question is reliability.
They cannot wait for a sunny day. They invested a lot of money, they have to run business.